Well, bed bugs in rental housing has come up again, at least in the Edmonton news. There is a lot of information out there that can help you figure out if you have bed bugs, what you should do to deal with them, how you can prevent getting them in the first place, and how you can avoid passing them along to someone else.
Sandra Hamilton, a health inspector with Alberta Health Services, was interviewed on CBC and you can listen to the interview here.
The Edmonton Apartment Association has a lot of information on their website, including the Edmonton Bed Bug Guide, and a Bed Bug Info Sheet.
If you are a renter who thinks you have bed bugs in the rental premises, you can find out which Alberta Health Services, Environmental Public Health office you should contact to receive more information here.
Until next time, while it may be true that no man is an island entire among itself (yes, I have just “Donne” that), the same can’t be said about your bed…
FAQ: Who is Responsible to treat bugs in a rental property?