Road to Accountability Self Diagnostics
The booklet helps small and mid-size registered charities and non-profit organizations to assess their accountability and transparency practices.
Last Update: 2011
Road to Accountability Handbook
Having good accountability and transparency practices can enhance the credibility of a charity.
Last Update: 2011
Registered Charities and Ineligible Individuals
Last Update: 2015
Guide: Vers la responsabilisations
Présente le concept de responsabilisation et de transparence, communique de bonnes pratiques en matière de responsabilisation et de transparence.
Last Update: 2011
Becoming a Registered Charity
This workbook provides information on how to become a registered charity and how to maintain your registered charity status under the Income Tax Act.
Last Update: 2010
CASL Charities and Not For Profit Top Ten Tips
List of the top 10 things charities and not-for-profits need to do to comply with Canada's Anti-Spam law.
Last Update: 2015