2022 Criminal Law in Review
LawNow article describing important legal developments in criminal law in 2022.
An Overview of Specialized Courts & Restorative Justice at Provincial Court in Edmonton
LawNow article describing Edmonton's Indigenous Court, Mental Health Court and Drug Treatment Court.
Ban on Conversion Therapy FAQs
20 FAQs and answers about Canada's ban on conversion therapy, including important definitions and the related criminal offences.
Ban on Conversion Therapy in Canada
Info sheet providing a brief explanation of Canada's ban on conversion therapy, including what it is and the criminal offences. Also available in French.
Last Update: 2022
Ban on Conversion Therapy in Canada Poster
11"x17" poster providing an overview of Canada's ban on conversion therapy, including the criminal offences. Also available in French.
Last Update: 2022
Ban on Conversion Therapy in Canada Video
Three-minute animated take on Canada's ban on conversion therapy, including what it is and the criminal offences. Also available in French.
Ban on Conversion Therapy in Canada: What does the ban on Conversion Therapy mean to me?
A series of personal essays on LawNow describing what the ban on conversion therapy means to different people, including the faith, academic and cisgender perspectives.
Ban on Conversion Therapy in Canada: A panel discussion
Recorded webinar featuring a panel discussing the political, legal, psychosocial, youth and lived experience perspectives on Canada's ban on conversion therapy.
Elder Abuse: When Elder Abuse Involves the Police
Info sheet in a series on Elder Abuse about making a complaint about elder abuse to police.
Last Update: 2015
Gathering Evidence of Abuse
Info sheet with practical tips for gathering evidence of abuse in case a person experiencing abuse must go to court.
Last Update: 2021
Going to the Police about an Abusive Relationship
Info sheet with information about making a criminal complaint about an abusive partner, Victims' Services, and peace bonds.
Last Update: 2021
Sexual Assault is on the Rise in Canada
LawNow article discussing the increase in sexual assault crimes in Canada, including its impact on victims.
Sexual Violence: Consent
Info sheet in a series on Sexual Violence describing the law around consenting to sexual activities.
Last Update: 2021
Sexual Violence: Reporting Sexual Violence to Police
Info sheet in a series on Sexual Violence describing how to report a crime to police, along with an overview of the criminal justice system process and people.
Last Update: 2021
Sexual Violence: Responding to Sexual Violence
Info sheet in a series on Sexual Violence describing legal options available to someone who has experienced sexual violence.
Last Update: 2021
Sexual Violence: Sex Trafficking
Info sheet in a series on Sexual Violence describing sex trafficking, including the laws and Human Trafficking Protection Orders in Alberta.
Last Update: 2021
Sharing Intimate Images Without Consent
Info sheet describing the criminal law prohibiting sharing intimate images without consent of the person shown.
Last Update: 2022
Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA)
The Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) poster explains the basics of the YCJA. Teachers can use this poster with our YCJA lesson plans and videos available on www.lawcentralschools.ca
Last Update: 2021