L’ordonnance d’interdiction
Une ordonnance d’interdiction est un type d'ordonnance pour interdire le contact qui peut être émise par un juge de la Cour du Banc du Roi. Cette brochure explique ce que...
Last Update: 2023
L’ordonnance de possession exclusive
Ce guide explique ce qu'il faut savoir sur les ordonnances de possession exclusive.
Last Update: 2023
L’ordonnance de protection du Banc du Roi
L'ordonnance de protection du Banc du Roi (KBPO) est un outil juridique destiné à protéger les Albertain(e)s victimes de violence familiale.
Last Update: 2023
L’abus fait aux aînés: outils juridiques pour les questions de capacité
Fiche d'information d'une série sur la maltraitance des personnes âgées décrivant les outils juridiques disponibles pour aider une personne dont les capacités sont diminuées à prendre des décisions.
Last Update: 2015
La loi de Clare
Last Update: 2023
La violence familiale et le droit: Éloigner les auteurs de mauvais traitements
Fiche d'info donnant un aperçu des différentes ordonnances judiciaires disponibles pour éloigner un agresseur.
Last Update: 2023
Leaving an Abusive Relationship If You Are Not a Canadian Citizen
Info sheet providing legal information for individuals living in Canada but not yet Canadian citizens about leaving an abusive relationship and getting help.
Last Update: 2021
Legal Info for Senior Albertans
Guided pathway with a series of questions and information about elder abuse, including how to identify, prevent and deal with it.
Legal Information vs. Legal Advice: What is the difference?
This tip sheet explains some of the main differences between legal information and legal advice.
Last Update: 2019
Legal Weed
Series of LawNow articles on the legalization and regulation of recreational cannabis, including legislative history, cannabis in the workplace, housing and public spaces and cannabis taxation.
Les enfants et les arrangements parentaux
Ce guide explique comment demander une ordonnance parentale provisoire (temporaire) après avoir quitté une relation violente.
Last Update: 2023
Les notions de base de la faillite pour les Albertains
Fiche info sur les sept choses que vous devez savoir avant de déclarer une faillite, y compris des informations sur la procédure et les obligations à remplir en tant que...
Last Update: 2023
Life Leases
Booklet about life leases in Alberta.
Last Update: 2019
Liste de verification de l’accord de separation
Liste des éléments à prendre en compte lors de la préparation d'un accord de séparation, notamment les arrangements parentaux, le soutien financier, le partage des biens, etc.
Last Update: 2021
Living with your Landlord
LawNow article covering whether renting laws apply to tenants sharing living space with their landlord.
Living with Your Landlord – Fillable Form
Sample agreement (with a fillable form) containing examples of what can be covered in a landlord agreement when a tenant is sharing living space with them. It should be adapted to...
Last Update: 2020
Living with your Landlord Agreement
Sample agreement containing examples of what can be covered by a living with your landlord agreement. It should be adapted to fit your particular situation.
Last Update: 2020
Making a Personal Directive
Booklet with detailed legal information about Personal Directives, including when and how to make one in Alberta.
Last Update: 2019
Making a Personal Directive – Checklist
Checklist of things to think about when making a Personal Directive in Alberta.
Last Update: 2020
Making a Will
Booklet with detailed legal information about Wills, including when and how to make one in Alberta.
Last Update: 2019
Making a Will – Checklist
Checklist of things to think about when making a Will in Alberta.
Last Update: 2020
Making An Enduring Power of Attorney
Booklet with detailed legal information about Enduring Powers of Attorney, including when and how to make one in Alberta.
Last Update: 2019
Making an Enduring Power of Attorney Checklist
Checklist of things to think about when making an Enduring Power of Attorney in Alberta.
Last Update: 2020
Making Financial Decisions
Webpage on OakNet discussing tools for making financial decisions when you no longer have mental capacity.
Making Personal Decisions
Webpage on OakNet discussing tools for making personal decisions when you no longer have mental capacity.
Maltrato a Personas Mayores
Spanish translation of Elder Abuse
Last Update: 2021
FAQs and answers all about marriage - how old you have to be, getting a license, who can marry you, and more.
Maternity & Parental Leave
FAQs and answers about maternity and parental leave under Alberta's Employment Standards Code, including giving notice and length of leaves.
Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)
Info sheet describing the law about Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) in Canada, including who is eligible and how to apply.
Last Update: 2021
Mental Capacity
Info sheet describing the law around mental capacity in Alberta and its importance in making decisions.
Last Update: 2021