Déménager avec vos enfants
Fiche d'information destinée aux parents séparés qui souhaitent déménager avec leurs enfants.
Last Update: 2021
Déménager et la Loi sur le divorce
Fiche d'information décrivant ce que la loi prévoit pour les parents divorcés qui souhaitent déménager, avec ou sans leurs enfants.
Last Update: 2021
Difference Between Employees and Independent Contractors
FAQs and answers about the difference between employees and independent contractors, including the legal test for each.
Discrimination & Bullying at Work
FAQs and answers about discrimination and bullying in the workplace.
Divorce Law Basics
FAQs and answers about the Divorce Act generally, including definitions of common terms and an overview of the divorce process.
DIY Home Improvements: What’s the law?
LawNow article describing legal requirements for home renovations such as permits, and the legal consequences of doing poor work.
Does Elite Sport Respect Young Athletes’ Human Rights?
LawNow article discussing human rights concerns young athletes encounter when competing in elite sport.
Domestic Violence and the Law Resources
Recorded webinar featuring a panel of agencies supporting those experiencing domestic violence and discussing available resources.
Domestic Violence Toolkit for Landlords
Toolkit of info sheets for landlords and property managers to help them understand the role they can play in preventing and dealing with domestic violence on their premises.
Last Update: 2019
Domestic Violence, Renting and the Law
LawNow article examining the relationship between domestic violence, residential tenancy law, and homelessness.
Door to Door Sales
Info sheet about door to door sales (also known as direct sales contracts), including what information the direct sales contracts must include and how to cancel them.
Last Update: 2019
Double take on mortgages
LawNow article about five things you should know about mortgages include lending terms, security for the mortgage, open vs. closed mortgages, and defaulting on the mortgage.
Droit de la famille 101
This booklet summarizes key information about legal issues that arise within families, including during a separation.
Droits de la personne en milieu de travail: Cessation d’emploi
Fiche d'information présentant un aperçu des questions relatives aux droits de la personne lors du licenciement d'un(e) employé(e), avec un focus sur le harcèlement sexuel en milieu de travail.
Last Update: 2021
Droits de la personne en milieu de travail: Les droits de la personne, qu’est-ce que c’est?
Fiche d'information présentant un aperçu des droits de la personne au travail, avec un focus sur le harcèlement sexuel en milieu professionnel.
Last Update: 2021
Droits de la personne en milieu de travail: Résolution des différends
Fiche d'information sur les possibilités de résolution des problèmes liés aux droits de la personne en milieu de travail, avec un focus sur le harcèlement sexuel en milieu de travail.
Last Update: 2021
Duty to Accommodate – What You and Your Employer Should Know
Infographic about what employees and employers should know about the duty to accommodate under human rights laws.
DVTK: Educational Programs
Domestic violence educational programs from organizations around Alberta.
Last Update: 2019
DVTK: Following Up On the Incident
Help for you and others affected by the domestic violence incident.
Last Update: 2019
DVTK: Handy Resources
Resources from organizations around the province on domestic violence related topics.
Last Update: 2019
DVTK: Having the Conversation
How to speak with someone who may be experiencing domestic violence.
Last Update: 2019
DVTK: Recognizing the Warning Signs
There are signs that indicate domestic violence might be present.
Last Update: 2019
DVTK: Reducing Incidents
Some examples of possible domestic violence prevention strategies.
Last Update: 2019
DVTK: Services
Emergency services in the province that can be contacted in domestic violence situations.
Last Update: 2019
DVTK: What Can the Landlord Do?
What the landlord can do to help a victim of domestic violence
Last Update: 2019
DVTK: What Can the Victim Do?
Steps the victim can take to address their particular domestic violence situation.
Last Update: 2019
DVTK: What is Domestic Violence?
What is domestic violence and how can you recognize that it may be present?
Last Update: 2019
DVTK: When the Police Get Involved
What to expect when the police have been called to a domestic violence situation.
Last Update: 2019
DVTK: Why get involved?
How can you help if you have witnessed or suspect domestic violence?
Last Update: 2019
DVTK: Why won’t they just leave?
Some insight as to why the victim might stay in a domestic violence situation.
Last Update: 2019