How legal coaching can help if you are representing yourself in court
LawNow article about legal coaching - an unbundled legal service that allows you to hire a legal helper to do specific jobs for you.
How to talk with your employer about a concern
Having an honest conversation with your employer can be the best way to resolve work issues. Here are some tips to help you get started.
Some Jerks Don’t Grow Out of It: 10 Tips for Handling an Office Bully
Article with 10 practical tips for handling an office bully, including keeping records and who to talk to.
Human Rights in the Workplace: Resolving Disputes Webinar
Recorded webinar co-presented with the Workers' Resource Centre about options for resolving human rights issues, with a spotlight on sexual harassment in the workplace.
Human Rights in the Workplace: Resolving Disputes
Info sheet with an overview of options for resolving human rights in the workplace, with a spotlight on sexual harassment in the workplace. Also available in French.
Last Update: 2021
Seven Steps to Solving a Legal Problem
Info sheet with seven practical steps for solving a legal problem.
Last Update: 2019