Child Support
Over 20 FAQs and answers about child support in Alberta after separation or divorce, including how to calculate and enforce, and retroactive child support.
Child Support Myths
A series of LawNow articles discussing common myths Albertans may have about child support, including how it is calculated and agreeing not to pay it.
Family Law 101
Booklet providing an overview of the laws that apply to families and relationships, including about adoption, child support, spousal or partner support, dividing property, divorce and resolving disputes.
Last Update: 2024
Financial Support Video
Ten-minute animated overview of financial support after a separation or divorce, including child support, partner support, and spousal support.
New approach in Alberta to imputing income to underemployed and unemployed parents
LawNow article describing new case law in Alberta that adopts the reasonableness test for imputing income to calculate child support.