Webpages on OakNet discussing abuse for older adults, including forms of abuse, getting help, and more resources.
Abuse & Family Violence FAQ
Over 30 FAQs and answers about family violence, including Emergency Protection Orders, King's Bench Protection Orders, and warrants permitting entry.
Abuse of Older Adults FAQ
FAQs and answers about abuse of older adults, including preventing abuse and keeping the abuser away.
Alberta Laws Concerning Elder Abuse
This tip sheet lists the main pieces of Alberta and federal legislation that relate most closely to elder abuse.
Last Update: 2019
Alberta’s New Harassment Tort
LawNow article about the new tort of harassment in Alberta common law.
Elder Abuse
Booklet describing the different forms of elder abuse, discussing and reporting the abuse, and options for stopping the abuse.
Last Update: 2019
Elder Abuse: Legal Tools for Capacity Matters
A chart summarizing the elements of each legal tool that can be used for the prevention of elder abuse.
Last Update: 2015
Elder Abuse: Defined
Info sheet in a series on Elder Abuse describing the different forms of elder abuse, including physical, financial, psychological, neglect, and more.
Last Update: 2015
Elder Abuse: Facilitator’s Guide
Booklet in a series on Elder Abuse that is designed for facilitators of a workshop on elder abuse.
Last Update: 2015
Elder Abuse: If Plans Haven’t Been Made
Info sheet in a series on Elder Abuse describing options available when a person does not have a Power of Attorney or Personal Directive in place.
Last Update: 2015
Elder Abuse: Let’s Talk
Info sheet in a series on Elder Abuse with tips for talking about elder abuse.
Last Update: 2015
Elder Abuse: Mental Capacity and Elder Abuse
Info sheet in a series on Elder Abuse that describes mental capacity and how it is assessed.
Last Update: 2015
Elder Abuse: Planning Ahead
Info sheet in a series on Elder Abuse that describes tools an adult can put in place to help them make decisions if they lose capacity.
Last Update: 2019
Elder Abuse: Resource Manual for Participants
Booklet in a series on Elder Abuse that is designed for participants in a workshop on elder abuse.
Last Update: 2015
Elder Abuse: When Elder Abuse Involves the Police
Info sheet in a series on Elder Abuse about making a complaint about elder abuse to police.
Last Update: 2015
Emergency Protection Orders
Info sheet about Emergency Protection Orders in Alberta, including who can get one and how to apply.
Last Update: 2021
Exclusive Possession Orders
Info sheet about Exclusive Possession Orders in Alberta, including who can get one and how to apply.
Last Update: 2021
Family Law 101
Booklet providing an overview of the laws that apply to families and relationships, including about adoption, child support, spousal or partner support, dividing property, divorce and resolving disputes.
Last Update: 2024
Gathering Evidence of Abuse
Info sheet with practical tips for gathering evidence of abuse in case a person experiencing abuse must go to court.
Last Update: 2021
Going to the Police about an Abusive Relationship
Info sheet with information about making a criminal complaint about an abusive partner, Victims' Services, and peace bonds.
Last Update: 2021
Help with Finances when Leaving an Abusive Relationship
Info sheet with information on options for financial help if you leave an abusive relationship, including government benefits, and partner, spousal and child support.
Last Update: 2021
Keeping the Abuser Away
Info sheet providing an overview of the different court orders available to keep an abuser away.
Last Update: 2021
King’s Bench Protection Orders
Info sheet about King's Bench Protection Orders in Alberta, including who can get one and how to apply.
Last Update: 2021
Legal Info for Senior Albertans
Guided pathway with a series of questions and information about elder abuse, including how to identify, prevent and deal with it.
Renting and Ending Your Lease Early when Leaving an Abusive Relationship
Info sheet about how to end a rental lease early while in an abusive relationship.
Last Update: 2021
Restraining Orders
Info sheet about restraining orders in Alberta, including who can get one and how to apply.
Last Update: 2021
Serving Documents on an Abusive Party
Info sheet with tips for how to serve legal documents on an abusive party.
Last Update: 2021
The Many Forms of Harassment
LawNow article discussing the many forms of harassment, including as discrimination, sexual harassment and criminal behaviour.
What is Abuse?
Info sheet describing the different forms of abuse.
Last Update: 2021
A CPLEA website all about abuse and the law in Alberta, with information about leaving the abuse, keeping the abuser away, and getting help.