Accommodation in Tenancy: Assistance and Support Animals
LawNow article discussing the right of a disabled or blind person to use a service or guide dog.
Renting with a Pet
LawNow article outlining the law when it comes to renting with pets.
Pet Agreement for Rental Properties Fillable Form
Sample agreement (with a fillable form) containing examples of what can be covered by a pet agreement. It should be adapted to fit your particular situation.
Last Update: 2020
Renting with Assistance and Support Animals
Info sheet describing the rights of tenants with service dogs, guide dogs, and other assistance or support animals.
Last Update: 2022
Renting With A Pet Tip Sheet
Info sheet with five tips on how to be a responsible pet owner while renting.
Last Update: 2019
Renting With A Pet
Booklet covering what you and your landlord can do with pets /animals, pet disputes with condo boards, and where to go for more help.
Last Update: 2019
Pet Resume
Sample pet resume with examples to highlight your pet's best attributes and show that you are a responsible pet owner when renting.
Last Update: 2020
Pet Agreement
Sample agreement containing examples of what can be covered by a pet agreement. It should be adapted to fit your particular situation.
Last Update: 2020