Parenting After a Separation or Divorce
FAQs and answers about parenting arrangements and making decisions for a child after a separation or divorce.
Parenting Time and Contact Video
Ten-minute animated overview of parenting legal issues after a separation or divorce, including parenting plans, and parenting and contact orders.
Partage d’images intimes d’une personne sans son consentement
Fiche info décrivant le droit pénal interdisant la diffusion d'images intimes sans le consentement de la personne montrée.
Last Update: 2023
Partage des biens
Livret fournissant des renseignements juridiques détaillés et des conseils pratiques sur le partage des biens en Alberta lorsqu'une relation prend fin.
Last Update: 2021
Partage des biens vidéo
Vidéo animée de dix minutes sur la façon de diviser les biens en Alberta lorsqu'une relation prend fin.
FAQs and answers about pay under Alberta's Employment Standards Code, including minimum wage, deductions, and raises.
PayDay Loans
Info sheet about pay day loans, including information on fees, repayment, cancellation and lender practices.
Last Update: 2020
Pet Agreement
Sample agreement containing examples of what can be covered by a pet agreement. It should be adapted to fit your particular situation.
Last Update: 2020
Pet Agreement for Rental Properties Fillable Form
Sample agreement (with a fillable form) containing examples of what can be covered by a pet agreement. It should be adapted to fit your particular situation.
Last Update: 2020
Pet Resume
Sample pet resume with examples to highlight your pet's best attributes and show that you are a responsible pet owner when renting.
Last Update: 2020
Plan Your Own Funeral
Webpage on OakNet with an overview of planning your own funeral.
Planifier son départ
Fiche d'info donnant des conseils pratiques à une personne qui envisage de quitter une relation abusive.
Last Update: 2023
Planning for Incapacity
Info sheet about how to plan for incapacity, including what is mental capacity and legal tools available when you no longer have capacity to make decisions.
Last Update: 2021
Planning for the Future
Info sheet overview of legal tools for planning for the future, including Personal Directives, Enduring Powers of Attorney, and Wills.
Last Update: 2020
Planning for things no one wants to talk about
LawNow article highlighting the importance of advance care planning - making plans for who will make your personal decisions when you no longer can.
Planning to Leave an Abusive Relationship
Info sheet providing practical tips for someone planning to leave an abusive relationships.
Last Update: 2021
Planning Your Own Funeral
Booklet with detailed information about planning your own funeral.
Last Update: 2019
Planning Your Own Funeral
Webpage on OakNet with an overview of planning your own funeral.
Pre Possession Issues
This booklet is an overview of deposits, occupancy fees and other potential issues that may arise when purchasing a new or conversion condo.
Last Update: 2020
Privacy and Medical Information in the Workplace
LawNow article about balancing an employer's right to know about illness or disability and an employee's right to privacy.
Privacy Issues at Work
Recorded webinar answering common questions about privacy issues at work.
Property Division Video
Ten-minute animated overview of how to divide property in Alberta when a relationship ends.
Property Laws You’ve Maybe Never Heard Of
LawNow article describing property rights with land registration, land ownership, shared ownership, land, and adverse possession.
Protecting Your Personal Information When You Rent
LawNow article for tenants with tips on protecting their personal information when filling out rental application forms.
Qu’entend-on par mauvais traitement
Fiche d'info décrivant les différentes formes d'abus.
Racial Profiling in the Retail Industry
LawNow article discussing racial profiling in the retail industry, including what it is and how it affects consumers.
Rassembler les preuves de mauvais traitements
Fiche d'info contenant des conseils pratiques pour rassembler des preuves d'abus au cas où une personne victime d'abus devrait se présenter devant un tribunal.
Last Update: 2023
Reading Between the Lines: Implied terms in individual employment contracts
LawNow article about the implied terms in individual employment contracts, both by law and based on the situation.
Reading Between the Lines: Implied terms in individual employment contracts
LawNow article about the implied terms in individual employment contracts, both by law and based on the situation.
Regional Anomalies in Canada’s National Consumer Insolvency & Bankruptcy Rates
LawNow article on regional differences in consumer/insolvency data, including differences in personal property exemption laws in bankruptcy.