Soutien financier vidéo
Vidéo animé de dix minutes sur le soutien financier après une séparation ou un divorce, y compris les pensions alimentaires pour enfants, pour partenaires et pour époux.
Spousal Support and Partner Support
FAQs and answers about spousal support and partner support, including calculating and recalculating support.
Taking over a lease
Webpage on Laws for Landlords and Tenants website with key information on taking over a lease via sublet or assignment.
Temps parental et contacts
Livret fournissant des informations juridiques détaillées sur les questions parentales après une séparation ou un divorce, y compris les plans parentaux et les ordonnances parentales et de contact.
Last Update: 2021
Temps parental et contacts vidéo
Vidéo de 10 minutes sur les questions juridiques liées au rôle parental après une séparation ou un divorce (plans parentaux, les ordonnances parentales et de contact, etc.)
Tenant Move-Outs: Cleaning and Security Deposit Deductions
LawNow article about the rules for cleaning and security deposit deductions in Alberta.
Termination & Temporary Layoff
FAQs and answers about termination notice and pay in lieu of notice, and temporary layoffs, under Alberta's Employment Standards Code.
The (Sometimes Complicated) Rules that Apply to Farm Workers in Alberta
LawNow article about how the Employment Standards Code applies (and does not apply) to Alberta farm workers.
The Big 3: Condominium contributions, special levies and reserve funds
Info sheet about condominium contributions (also known as condo fees), special assessments, and reserve funds.
Last Update: 2020
The Consumer Protection Act
FAQs and answers about consumer laws in Alberta, including about ticket sales, auto businesses, high-cost credit, internet sales contracts, gift cards, pay day loans and direct sales.
The Duty of Unions to Fairly Represent Their Members
LawNow article about a union's duty to fairly represent their members.
The Law of Fun
Series of LawNow articles on outdoor passes and permits, amusement parks liability, acceptable contact in sports and human rights of young athletes.
The Law of Unpaid Internships in Canada
LawNow article about unpaid internships in Canada, including exemptions from employment standards legislation.
The Legal Status of the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines
LawNow article about the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines and how they are used in determining spousal support.
The Many Forms of Harassment
LawNow article discussing the many forms of harassment, including as discrimination, sexual harassment and criminal behaviour.
The Place You Are Renting Is Sold
Booklet for tenants about their rights and obligations during the sale of a rental property and after the property is sold.
Last Update: 2021
The Right to Die and the Debate Surrounding Mental Illness
LawNow article discussing the debate around expanding Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) to patients experiencing mental health conditions.
The Right to Housing as a Human Right
LawNow article discussing the right to housing under international human rights law and Canadian law.
The Tort of Family Violence: New relief available for victims of family violence
LawNow article about the new tort of family violence that recognizes the complex dynamic of violence within a relationship.
Things to Know When You’ve Lost Your Job
Info sheet highlighting legal concepts you should be aware of if you lose your job.
Last Update: 2020
Tips for Going to Court
Information about preparing for court and tips for appearing in court (including virtually and in-person).
Last Update: 2021
Tips for working with and hiring a condo manager
Info sheet for condominium boards on hiring and working with a condominium manager.
Last Update: 2021
Top 10 Housing Law Issues: Deposits, Landlord Entry, Repairs, Pests, Guests and Shared Accommodations
Video series about top 10 housing law issues, including landlord entry, repairs, pests, guests and shared accommodations
Top 10 Housing Law Issues: Evictions, Human Rights and Housing, and Dispute Resolution
Video series about top 10 housing law issues, including evictions, human rights, and dispute resolution
Top 10 Housing Law Issues: Residential Tenancies Act, Rental Applications and Different Leases
LawNow article describing Alberta's updated condominium governance regulations (which came into effect on January 1, 2020) as they relate to insurance.
FAQs and answers about travel laws, including travel with children, travel documents and issues while you are away.
Trousse d’autodiagnostic vers la responsabilisation
Cette trousse a pour but d'aider les organismes de bienfaisance à évaluer leurs pratiques en matière de responsabilisation
Last Update: 2011
U Dadaarmid Dhaxal
Somali Translation of Making a Will.
Last Update: 2021
Vacation & Vacation Pay
FAQs and answers about vacations and vacation pay under Alberta's Employment Standards Code, including eligibility and entitlement to vacations.
Vehicle Insurance: What are you paying for anyway?
LawNow article describing the different kinds of vehicle insurance and the insurance systems in Alberta, B.C. and Saskatchewan.