Believe It or Not Tenancy Questions
LawNow article about the most memorable tenancy questions from radon testing, criminal record checks, crystal meth, video surveillance to rent decreases.
Bicycle Law in Alberta
LawNow article describing the rules for cyclists in Alberta.
Bicycle Law in Alberta
LawNow article describing the rules for cyclists in Alberta.
Bicycle Laws
FAQs and answers about bicycle laws in Alberta, including where you can ride and wearing a helmet.
Bicycle Laws
FAQs and answers about bicycle laws in Alberta, including where you can ride and wearing a helmet.
Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL): Do you know what you are getting into?
LawNow article about buy now pay later (BNPL) loans, financing or services, including essential information to know and words of caution.
Buying a Condo: Pre-possession Issues
Booklet with an overview of deposits, occupancy fees and other potential issues that may arise when purchasing a new or conversion condominium.
Last Update: 2024
Buying a New Condo: Document Checklist
Info sheet with a checklist of documents that the developer must provide you when you buy a new condominium.
Last Update: 2021
Buying a Resale Condo: Document Checklist
Info sheet with a checklist of documents to request and where to get them before buying a resale condominium.
Last Update: 2020
Buying, Using & Growing Cannabis in Alberta
FAQs and answers about federal, provincial and municipal laws on buying, using and growing cannabis.
C’est mon droit
Cette brochure s'adresse aux personnes qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur les droits des minorités de langue française hors Québec, protégées par la Constitution.
Last Update: 2013
Can a landlord charge a tenant for renovations?
LawNow article discussing whether a landlord can charge for renovations.
Can You Buy a Home Without a Lawyer in Alberta?
LawNow article examining whether you can a buy home without a lawyer in Alberta and the benefits of why you should.
Canada’s Constitution
Short video about what makes up Canada's Constitution.
Canada’s Law on Consumer Product Safety
LawNow article discussing the history and legislative overview of the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act.
Canada’s Constitution: What it is and why you should care
LawNow article describing Canada's Constitution - what it is and why you should care about it.
Canada’s First-Time Home Buyer Incentive Explained
LawNow article answering your questions about Canada’s First-Time Home Buyer Incentive, including who is eligible, how it works, repaying it, and other associated costs.
Canadian Legal System
11"x17" poster providing an overview of the Canadian Legal System, including the branches of government.
Last Update: 2023
Canadian Legal System
LawNow article discussing the different types of libraries and their role in access to justice.
Cannabis in Condos and Rentals
FAQs and answers about growing and using cannabis in a condo or rental unit.
Cannabis in the Workplace
FAQs and answers about laws around cannabis at work, including smoking cannabis, cannabis impairment and consumption of medical cannabis.
Capacity and Capacity Assessments
Webpage on OakNet discussing capacity and capacity assessments in Alberta.
CASL Charities and Not For Profit Top Ten Tips
List of the top 10 things charities and not-for-profits need to do to comply with Canada's Anti-Spam law.
Last Update: 2015
Ce qu’il faut savoir si vous perdez votre emploi
Fiche info soulignant les éléments juridiques à connaître en cas de perte d'emploi.
Last Update: 2023
Ce que vous devriez savoir au sujet des contrats de téléphonie cellulaire
Fiche info sur les contrats de téléphonie mobile, y compris les conditions contractuelles requises et les règles applicables aux fournisseurs de services.
Last Update: 2023
Checklist for first time board members
Info sheet for checklist for first time condominium board members.
Last Update: 2020
Child Support
Over 20 FAQs and answers about child support in Alberta after separation or divorce, including how to calculate and enforce, and retroactive child support.
Child Support Myths
A series of LawNow articles discussing common myths Albertans may have about child support, including how it is calculated and agreeing not to pay it.
Children and Parenting after Leaving an Abusive Relationship
Info sheet describing legal issues around parenting and children if you are leaving an abusive relationship.
Last Update: 2021
Clare’s Law
Info sheet describing Clare's Law, including what it is and how Albertans at risk of domestic violence can get information about potentially harmful intimate partners.
Last Update: 2021