Co-Tenants and Co-Responsibilities
LawNow article about co-tenant responsibilities and how to avoid joint and several liability problems.
Collection Agencies
Info sheet covering illegal collection agency practices and information on agreements with debt repayment agencies.
Last Update: 2020
Collection and Debt Repayment
FAQs and answers about debt, collection agencies and debt repayment agencies.
Condo Board conduct
Info sheet about basic condominium board standards.
Last Update: 2020
Condo Documents 101: What these documents reveal about the condo corporation
Info sheet for condominium boards about the different types of condominium documents, including what they are and when the board must provide them.
Last Update: 2020
Condo Law – Election to Board
Booklet covering election to condominium boards, including who can be a board members, board positions, and board processes.
Last Update: 2020
Condo Law – Requests for Information
Booklet for condominium boards on the different types of information or document requests, response obligations, and associated fees.
Last Update: 2020
Condo Law – Self-managing a Condo
Info sheet with tips on self-managed condominiums.
Last Update: 2021
Condominium Boards and Rental Units
Info sheet for condominium boards on condominium rental processes under the Condominium Property Act, including what happens before, during, and after a tenancy.
Last Update: 2020
Condominium Bylaws and Rules: 5 things to know
LawNow article describing Alberta's updated condominium governance regulations (which came into effect on January 1, 2020) as they relate to bylaws and rules.
Condominium Meetings
Booklet about three key meetings for condominiums- board meetings, Annual General Meeting (AGM) and extraordinary general meetings.
Last Update: 2021
Contact in Sports: Acceptable or criminal assault?
LawNow article looking at whether contact in sports is legally acceptable or considered criminal assault.
Contact with a Child
FAQs and answers about contact with a child for those who are not parents or guardians, under the Divorce Act and Alberta's Family Law Act.
Contracts and Consumer Information
FAQs and answers covering basic concepts of contract law.
Cost of Credit Disclosure
FAQs and answers about cost of credit disclosures, including what they are, how they are regulated and required information.
Court Appearances and Orders
Info sheet for civil and family court about going to court to ask the judge for an order.
Last Update: 2021
Court Fees & Waivers in Alberta
Info sheet listing the court fees for different services, as well as how to apply for a waiver of fees.
Last Update: 2020
Court System in Alberta
Short video about Alberta's court system, including describing the different courts and what they deal with.
Covid-19 and the Workplace
Series of LawNow articles describing COVID-19 topics, including vaccines, working from home, and taxes.
COVID-19: Information for Alberta Landlords and Tenants
Webpage on Laws for Landlords and Tenants website covering FAQs about dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic (the “pandemic”) in rental properties.
COVID-19: Tips for Condominiums in Alberta
Webpage on Condo Law for Albertans with general information, tips and resources relevant to condominium buyers, owners and board members in Alberta during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Information brochure. Who is CPLEA, what we do, what we provide and how to contact us. 3.75" X 8.5" TRIFOLD
Last Update: 2018
Credit and Personal Reports
FAQs and answers about what a credit report is and what can be included in it.
FAQs and answers about cryptocurrency, including what it is and what the law says about it.
Cryptocurrency and Child Support
Short video about a court case dealing with whether a parent's gains from cryptocurrency affected their child support payments.
Cryptocurrency and Mining
Short video describing a problematic cryptocurrency mining operation in St. Albert, Alberta.
Cryptocurrency and Taxes
Short video describing the tax impacts of buying and selling cryptocurrency.
Dealing with Holiday Debt
LawNow article with practical tips and free supports for dealing with holiday debt, including credit card balances.
Death of Tenant
Booklet about what to do when a tenant dies while renting, including information for landlords, surviving spouses or adult interdependent partners, personal representatives, and next of kin.
Last Update: 2021
Defending Your Workplace Rights in Alberta Can Be More Difficult Than It Should Be
LawNow article by the Workers' Resource Centre about common scenarios where workers do not understand their rights and options, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation.