Faire une Procuration Perpétuelle
Livret contenant des renseignements juridiques détaillés sur les procurations perpétuelles, y compris quand et comment en faire une en Alberta.
Last Update: 2020
Family Law 101
Booklet providing an overview of the laws that apply to families and relationships, including about adoption, child support, spousal or partner support, dividing property, divorce and resolving disputes.
Last Update: 2024
Financial Support Video
Ten-minute animated overview of financial support after a separation or divorce, including child support, partner support, and spousal support.
Five Things Every Tenant Should Know
LawNow article with five tips for tenants to make sure the renting process goes smoothly.
Foreclosure for Tenants
Booklet with information on foreclosure for tenants.
Last Update: 2019
Foreclosure in Alberta
Booklet with detailed information on mortgage defaults, options for property owners and the foreclosure process.
Last Update: 2020
Foreclosures in Alberta: The return of the ’80s?
LawNow article on foreclosure developments in Alberta, as well as where to get more help for Albertans facing financial distress.
Fuir une relation de violence lorsqu’une personne n’est pas de citoyenneté canadienne
Fiche d'info donnant des informations juridiques aux personnes vivant au Canada mais n'ayant pas encore la citoyenneté canadienne sur la façon de quitter une relation abusive et d'obtenir de l'aide.
Last Update: 2023
Gambling FAQs
FAQs and answers about gambling in , including how it is regulated and what gambling is legal.
Gambling in the Online Age
LawNow article discussing online gambling, including which websites offer legal gambling online.
Gathering Evidence of Abuse
Info sheet with practical tips for gathering evidence of abuse in case a person experiencing abuse must go to court.
Last Update: 2021
General Holidays & Holiday Pay
FAQs and answers about general holidays and holiday pay under Alberta's Employment Standards Code, including what are general holidays and calculating holiday pay.
General Powers of Attorney
Booklet with detailed legal information about the law for powers of attorneys in Alberta.
Last Update: 2020
Get consent for a child to attend counselling
If you want to enrol your child in counselling, you must have written consent from the other guardians or a court order allowing you alone to give consent.
Last Update: 2024
Getting a Grant of Probate
Recorded webinar answering common questions about getting a grant of probate in Alberta.
Getting a Grant of Probate or Administration
Booklet with detailed legal information about the different types of grants and how to apply for them in Alberta.
Last Update: 2022
Getting Your Security Deposit Back
LawNow article for tenants on how to get their security deposit back.
Gimme Shelter: Housing Law in Canada
LawNow article covering significant developments in housing law in Canada and Alberta.
Going to a Legal Clinic in Alberta
Learn about the legal clinics in Alberta. Find legal help near you at https://www.cplea.ca/legalhelp/
Going to Civil Court
Info sheet describing 10 things you should know before going to civil court in Alberta.
Last Update: 2022
Going to Family Docket Court in Alberta – Video
Eight-minute overview of 12 things you should know before going to Family Docket Court in Alberta.
Going to the Police about an Abusive Relationship
Info sheet with information about making a criminal complaint about an abusive partner, Victims' Services, and peace bonds.
Last Update: 2021
Got Debt Problems
Info sheet outlining what happens when you do not pay your bills and steps you can take to deal with debt.
Last Update: 2020
Got Debt?
Recorded webinar featuring Money Mentors and The Alberta Debtor Support Project, with expert tips on dealing with debt issues and available resources.
Grandparents & Grandchildren
Booklet for grandparents who want to know more about their options for staying in or regaining contact with their grandchildren in Alberta.
Guide To Commonly Used Condo Terms
Info sheet about commonly used terms when buying a condominium.
Last Update: 2020
Guide: Vers la responsabilisations
Présente le concept de responsabilisation et de transparence, communique de bonnes pratiques en matière de responsabilisation et de transparence.
Last Update: 2011
Hacer un Poder Notarial Perdurable
Spanish translation of Making an Enduring Power of Attorney.
Last Update: 2021
Hacer un Testamento
Spanish translation of Making a Will.
Last Update: 2021
Hacer una Directiva Personal
Spanish translation of Making a Personal Directive.
Last Update: 2020