CPLEA is excited to announce the launch of our redesigned Laws for Landlords and Tenants in Alberta website.
The new website features a modern, streamlined design with enhanced searching capability and the same excellent plain language content that Alberta tenants and landlords have come to expect from CPLEA.
The new website also features CPLEA’s brand new tip sheet for tenants who have lost their jobs due to the economic downturn and dropping oil prices. If your Employment Ends… Laws for Tenants in Alberta explains what options tenants have if they can no longer afford their rent and want to move out early.
CPLEA’s Laws for Landlords and Tenants in Alberta program, including the redevelopment of the website, is generously supported by the Alberta Real Estate Foundation.
New Tip Sheet for Tenants: “If Your Employment Ends”
With oil prices dropping significantly and Target closing its doors, thousands of Albertans have lost their jobs.
Many thousands more are worried everyday that they could lose their job.
Here at CPLEA, we can’t fix the economy, but we can help people understand the law. We have created a new tip sheet for Alberta tenants who are having trouble keeping up with their rent due to the economic downturn. If your Employment Ends… Laws for Tenants in Alberta, explains what options tenants have if they want to move out early.
For Albertans who own their homes and are thinking of finding a tenant to supplement their income, CPLEA’s free booklet Renting out a Room in your Home provides key information on the laws surrounding such living arrangements.
CPLEA’s Laws for Landlords and Tenants in Alberta program is generously supported by the Alberta Real Estate Foundation.