This tip sheet covers what you need to know when it comes to mould and rental properties.
Living with Your Landlord – Fillable Form
Roommate Agreement – fillable
Pet Agreement for Rental Properties Fillable Form
Sample agreement (with a fillable form) containing examples of what can be covered by a pet agreement. It should be adapted to fit your particular situation.
Domestic Violence Toolkit for Landlords
Hoarding and Tenancy
Dealing with hoarding in a tenancy situation involves a balancing act between a landlord’s rights and tenant’s rights under the law.
Après une Inondation
Your Rights When Renting – When Rental Ads Discriminate – SOMALI TRANSLATION
Your Rights When Renting – When Rental Ads Discriminate – ARABIC TRANSLATION
Your Rights When Renting – When Rental Ads Discriminate
The Alberta Human Rights Act helps to protect you from discrimination when you are renting a place to live.