Alberta Human Rights Act – Discrimination at Work
Infographic about the Alberta Human Rights Act and discrimination at work.
Last Update: 2019
Alberta Laws Concerning Elder Abuse
This tip sheet lists the main pieces of Alberta and federal legislation that relate most closely to elder abuse.
Last Update: 2019
Alberta’s New Harassment Tort
LawNow article about the new tort of harassment in Alberta common law.
Alberta’s New Surrogate Forms
LawNow article describing the June 2022 changes to Alberta's Surrogate Forms when applying for a grant to deal with an estate.
Alberta’s New Condominium Regulations: Insurance
LawNow article describing Alberta's updated condominium governance regulations (which came into effect on January 1, 2020) as they relate to insurance.
Alberta’s New Condominium Regulations: Rental deposits
LawNow article describing Alberta's updated condominium governance regulations (which came into effect on January 1, 2020) as they relate to rental deposits.
Alberta’s Recreational Cannabis Landscape: An overview of restrictions in housing and public spaces
LawNow article discussing recreational cannabis restrictions in housing and public spaces.
All About Rental Fees (Part 1): Refundable vs non-refundable
This article looks at refundable and non-refundable fees under Alberta’s Residential Tenancies Act.
All About Rental Fees (Part 2): Parking fees, late payment of rent fees, and lease break fees
This article looks at whether rental fees like parking fees, late payment of rent fees, and lease break fees are legal under Alberta’s Residential Tenancies Act.
An Overview of Specialized Courts & Restorative Justice at Provincial Court in Edmonton
LawNow article describing Edmonton's Indigenous Court, Mental Health Court and Drug Treatment Court.
An Update on Short-Term Rentals
LawNow article about Alberta’s short-term rental (and related) regulations.
Après un Incendie
En tant que propriétaire ou locataire, avez-vous des questions sur vos droits et responsabilités après un incendie ? Cette ressource vous aidera à répondre à vos questions les plus fréquentes.
Last Update: 2019
Après une Inondation
En tant que propriétaire ou locataire, avez-vous des questions sur vos droits et responsabilités après une inondation ? Cette ressource vous aidera à répondre à vos questions les plus fréquentes.
Last Update: 2019
Assurance-emploi et perte d’emploi
Fiche d'info décrivant l'assurance-emploi, y compris les personnes éligibles et comment déposer une demande.
Last Update: 2023
Assurer l’éducation en français: les Franco-Albertains et leurs droits linguistiques
Article sur les droits lingustiques des Franco-Albertains
Bad Behaviour at Work
Series of LawNow articles describing bad behaviour at work and what the judge decided.
Ban on Conversion Therapy FAQs
20 FAQs and answers about Canada's ban on conversion therapy, including important definitions and the related criminal offences.
Ban on Conversion Therapy in Canada
Info sheet providing a brief explanation of Canada's ban on conversion therapy, including what it is and the criminal offences. Also available in French.
Last Update: 2022
Ban on Conversion Therapy in Canada Poster
11"x17" poster providing an overview of Canada's ban on conversion therapy, including the criminal offences. Also available in French.
Last Update: 2022
Ban on Conversion Therapy in Canada Video
Three-minute animated take on Canada's ban on conversion therapy, including what it is and the criminal offences. Also available in French.
Ban on Conversion Therapy in Canada: What does the ban on Conversion Therapy mean to me?
A series of personal essays on LawNow describing what the ban on conversion therapy means to different people, including the faith, academic and cisgender perspectives.
Ban on Conversion Therapy in Canada: A panel discussion
Recorded webinar featuring a panel discussing the political, legal, psychosocial, youth and lived experience perspectives on Canada's ban on conversion therapy.
FAQs and answers about federal bankruptcy laws, including information on debt control, options besides declaring bankruptcy and declaring bankruptcy.
Bankruptcy Basics
Info sheet about seven things you need to know before filing for bankruptcy, including information on process and duties to fulfill as a bankrupt.
Last Update: 2020
Becoming a Registered Charity
This workbook provides information on how to become a registered charity and how to maintain your registered charity status under the Income Tax Act.
Last Update: 2010
Before you Buy: Understanding Condo Finances
Booklet about condominium finances for buyers, including tips on document requests and financial document review.
Last Update: 2020
Being a Guarantor
Info sheet about being a guarantor (someone who agrees to repay another person's debt), plus information on secured and unsecured debt.
Last Update: 2020
Being a Personal Representative
Booklet with detailed legal information about a Personal Representative's responsibilities under a Will.
Last Update: 2020
Being an Agent
Booklet with detailed legal information about an Agent's responsibilities when making personal decisions for someone under a Personal Directive.
Last Update: 2019
Being an Attorney Under an Enduring Power of Attorney
Booklet with detailed legal information about an Attorney's responsibilities when making financial decisions for someone under an Enduring Power of Attorney.
Last Update: 2020